Over 3 Years of Experience in Building acess to Finance
Providing Shariah compliant financial and product solutions to people who are mostly excluded from mainstream banking system.
Our ultimate aim is to have seamless and convenient financial solutions that are more accessible, accurate and efficient for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that continuously seek finance to achieve their organizational goals.
Our Expertise
We have leveraged greatly on technology, which has enabled us to gradually expand our customer base and deepen financial inclusion while delivering value both our customers as well as stakeholders.
Ayuuto is an old Somali financial savings concept. It is an interest-free rotating savings scheme based on mutual trust....
Asal Microfinance, as the mudarib, receives funds and promises the Customer an expected rate of return....
Murabaha is the mark-up disclosed to the purchaser over the purchase price of a certain specified asset, excluding monetary assets such as cash..
An agreement between two or more parties to combine their assets, labour or liabilities for the purpose of making profits...
Hiring particular services of a person or usufruct of an asset for a consideration. We have two types pf Ijarah.